Submission Rules Note: Categories marked with an “E” should be entered electronically. Please see instructions under Electronic Entry Submission. All other entries should follow the Physical Entry Submissions instructions, unless otherwise noted.
Physical Entry Submissions
An entry form and TWO EXTRA photocopies of theentry form must accompany each physical piece. Please clip these two extra entry forms to each entry. Please make sure entry forms are filled out with proper company names, correct spellings, etc., as winners’ plaques will be engraved from this information. Also, please be sure to include email addresses on entry forms, as all communication will be via email.
All entries become property of NAMA and cannot be returned. Please do not send original art or one-of-a-kind samples. Make sure your entries are constructed well so they last through two rounds of judging.
Please follow closely the entry preparation requirements noted with each section. Entries score higher when they follow the correct preparation instructions. For category clarification, please contact the NAMA office at (913) 491-6500 or email [email protected].
NAMA 8700 State Line Road, Suite 105 Leawood, KS 66206 913-491-6500
Electronic Entry Submissions Categories marked with an “E”, should be submitted electronically to
Acceptable file formats for electronic submission:
Audio: MP3
Visual: JPEG, PNG, PDF
Video: Submit a public URL from YouTube. Digital files for video will no longer be uploaded or accepted.
Presentations: A URL only will be accepted. If you have a PDF or PowerPoint, please post to a web page and upload the URL.
Digital: Enter a demonstration URL. Digital files will no longer be uploaded or accepted.
For all electronic entry submissions, you fill out the entry form ONLINE. All fields included in the online entry form must be completely filled out. Print and include 2 copies of each electronic entry form with the other non-electronic forms you submit.
Broadcast and/or digital files for CAMPAIGNS will NOT be entered electronically, but instead must be entered with the rest of the campaign materials.
AGRIBUSINESS AUDIENCES BEST OF SHOW At the national level, three Best of Show categories have been established in the Agribusiness Audience section. One will be awarded in each of the following categories, at the discretion of the judges:
Public Relations
All three will then be eligible to compete for the Best of NAMA Grand Champion award, which will be awarded to the single-best entry in the Best of NAMA competition.
ADVERTISING Ads, direct mail and other “paid” materials whose primary audience is farmers, ranchers and growers (unless otherwise specified).
JUDGING CRITERIA FOR ALL ADVERTISING ENTRIES CHALLENGE OR OPPORTUNITY – 30% Is the challenge specifically identified and is it clear how this marketing element addresses the challenge and/or opportunity? How unique, targeted or strategy-specific is this toward addressing the challenge/opportunity?
OBJECTIVE OR DESIRED RESPONSE – 30% Was it well thought out and specified what this marketing element was expected to create in response or outcome? How well does this entry illustrate how that would be – and was – measured against that goal? Was it to change a perception or increase sales/participation? Is it clear what they wanted the audience to think or do – and did they?
TARGET AUDIENCE – 20% Is the defined audience thoughtful and specific? Does it seem like the investment is driven to the right audience to get the results from the challenge/opportunity presented? Is it a broad target or a specific target? Is it clear from the entry?
CRAFTSMANSHIP/ORIGINALITY – 20% Did this entry grab your attention? Did it seem fresh and different, or did you feel like you’ve seen it before? Ask the same questions when considering what you think the target audience would say. And what about the production quality? Is it well executed? Does it gain attention and impact by how it was executed?
CAMPAIGNS Entry Preparation Mount print materials on the inside of 13” x 16” (folded size), cover stock paper (minimum 65 lb.), black matte finish. Campaigns must be hinged together in an accordion fold; so all materials can be seen from one side when unfolded. A maximum of seven panels may be used. Mount your entry form on the outside back cover of the folder. Attach the two extra copies of the entry form via a paper clip or binder clip. For campaigns with broadcast elements, please provide a QR CODE OR list a URL attached to the folder that judges can visit to view the elements. Note: When calculating the cost of a campaign, be sure to figure in all costs, including personnel, etc.
Categories 1.Integrated Campaign – Local: Exposure in no more than 5 states. 2. Integrated Campaign – Regional: Exposure in 6 to 12 states. 3. Integrated Campaign – National: Exposure in 13 or more states. 4. New-product introduction: May contain all forms of communication used, including publicity, public relations, direct mail, advertising, etc. No budget restrictions. 5.Unique Sponsorship Campaign: Campaign surrounding a targeted sponsorship that extends and elevates paid sponsorship dollars to broaden impact, awareness and retention of brand, product or initiative.
PRINT Entry Preparation Mount materials on the inside of 13” x 16” (folded size), cover stock paper (minimum of 65 lbs.), black matte finish. Series ads must be hinged together in an accordion fold, so all materials may be seen from one side when unfolded. A maximum of seven panels may be used. Mount your entry form on the outside back cover of the folder. Attach the two extra copies of the entry form via a paper clip or binder clip.
Categories 6.Spreads, b & w or color, any size, single or series. 7.Single-page or less than single page ads, b & w or color, single entry. 8.Single-page ads or less than single page ads, b & w or color, series (min. 2, max. 5). 9. Trade ads (non-farmer audience), b & w or color, single or series: Directed at livestock veterinarians, farm managers, bankers, dealers, distributors or others serving agribusiness. 10.Unique print advertising (includes preprinted inserts, three or more page units, belly bands, wraps, bags, etc.), any color, any size. 11. Advertorials, b & w or color, single or series.
BROADCAST MEDIA Entry Preparation Upload files to
Acceptable file formats for electronic submission:
Audio: MP3
Video: Submit a public URL from YouTube. Make sure there are no security restrictions to access the video.
All fields included in the online entry form must be completely filled out. Print and include two extra copies of each electronic entry form with the other non-electronic forms you submit. If you are not submitting other non-electronic entries, email your electronic entry form(s) to Sherry Pfaff, [email protected].
Remove countdown, color bars and end titles. Leave approximately 10 seconds of black leader at front. Dub series together in proper order, without IDs or leaders between commercials. A series may have a minimum of two and a maximum of five spots. Submit each entry separately. For categories 13 and 14, series must be entered as a single file.
Entries not submitted in the proper format are eligible for disqualification.
Categories 12.Audio: Single commercial (any length). E 13. Audio: Series (min. 2, max. 5, any length). E 14. Television and Streaming: Single or series commercial (any length). E
ELECTRONIC MEDIA Entry Preparation Upload files to
Acceptable file formats for electronic submission:
Submit a public URL from YouTube: Make sure there are no security issues to access the video.
Web banners (for advertising on the web): Enter a demonstration URL through the website.
For all electronic entry submissions, you fill out the entry form ONLINE. All fields included in the online entry form must be completely filled out. Series must be entered in a single file.
Print and include two extra copies of each electronic entry form with the other non-electronic forms you submit. If you are not submitting other non-electronic entries, email your electronic entry form(s) to Sherry Pfaff, [email protected].
Categories 15.Audiovisual presentations directed at farmers, ranchers and growers. E 16.Audiovisual presentations directed at dealers, distributors, sales reps or others serving agribusiness. E
DIRECT/TARGET MARKETING Entry Preparation Mount print materials on the inside of 13” x 16” (folded size), cover stock paper (minimum of 65 lb.), black matte finish. Campaigns must be hinged together in accordion fold, so all materials can be seen from one side when unfolded. A maximum of seven panels may be used. Mount entry form on the outside back cover of the folder. Attach two extra copies of entry form via paper clip or binder clip. For campaigns with broadcast elements, please place a QR code in an envelope and attach to folder OR list a URL on the materials that directs judges to the broadcast elements. For oversized items, submit an 8” x 10” color photo. Oversized items are considered anything excessively bulky or larger than 12” x 15”.
Categories 17. Direct mail – Directed at farmers, growers and ranchers: Flat. 18. Direct mail – Directed at farmers, growers and ranchers: Three-dimensional. 19.Direct mail – Directed at dealers, distributors, sales reps and all others serving agribusiness: Flat or three-dimensional.
OUTDOOR Entry Preparation Outdoor entries should be submitted via a photo. Please upload the PDF to Print and include two extra copies of the entry form with other non-electronic entries you submit. For all electronic entry submissions, you fill out the entry form ONLINE. Be sure to answer all questions on the electronic entry form. If you are not submitting other non-electronic entries, email your electronic entry form(s) to Sherry Pfaff, [email protected].
Category 20.Billboards or other outdoor ads (submit as a photo). E
COLLATERAL Entry Preparation Brochure/catalog entries should be prepared like print advertising. Mount print materials on the inside of 13” x 16” (folded size), cover stock paper (minimum 65 lbs.), black matte finish. Entries must be hinged together in accordion fold, so all materials may be seen from one side when unfolded. A maximum of seven panels may be used. For exhibit and oversized entries, submit 8” x 10” color photo. Oversized items are considered anything excessively bulky or larger than 12” x 15”. For posters and brochures, create a pocket inside folder, fold poster down and insert. Attach the two extra copies of the entry form via paper clip or binder clip.
Categories 21. Customer brochures, catalogs: Farmer-directed (1 or more elements). 22. Brochures, catalogs, etc.: Directed at dealers, distributors or sales reps and all others serving agribusiness (1 or more elements). 23. Point-of-purchase materials (posters, banners, POS displays, mobiles, packaging). 24. Exhibits (trade and farm show exhibits, booths, etc.) Live 25. Premiums/specialties directed at farmers, growers and ranchers and all others serving agribusiness. Submit single entries and series in the same category. 26. Corporate identity: Stationery package, business cards, logo design, branding.
ADVERTISING TO AGRIBUSINESS Ads produced by media, agencies or services (photographers, direct mail houses, audiovisual, producers, etc.) whose audience is either agribusiness or agencies.
Entry Preparation Mount print materials on the inside of 13” x 16” (folded size), cover stock paper (minimum 65 lb.), black matte finish. Campaigns must be hinged together in accordion fold, so all materials can be seen from one side when unfolded. A maximum of seven panels may be used. Mount your entry form on the outside back cover of the folder. Attach the two extra copies of the entry form via paper clip or binder clip.
For campaigns with broadcast elements, please provide a QR code or URL attached to to the folder to direct judges to the broadcast elements. For oversized items, submit an 8” x 10” color photo. Oversized items are anything excessively bulky or larger than 12” x 15”.
Category 27. Advertising to agribusiness or agencies: Elements produced by media, agencies or services (photographers, direct mail houses, audiovisual, producers, etc.) with the intent to solicit or grow business.
PUBLIC RELATIONS Primary audience is farmers, ranchers and growers (unless otherwise specified).
JUDGING CRITERIA FOR ALL PUBLIC RELATIONS EXCEPT WRITING PLANNING– 30% What was the level of strategy and thoughtfulness that went into developing this campaign? Was it clear what the opportunity was and how public relations efforts could help achieve brand and/or product goals? Was it unique? And well thought out? Was it clear what the end result should be?
EXECUTION – 30% What is the quality and professionalism demonstrated through this effort in the entry as it is presented? There should be evidence of ingenuity and creativity using a combination and variety of techniques and elements to make the effort successful. RESULTS – 40% What evidence is there that the goals noted in planning were achieved? There should be efforts noted to identify, analyze and quantify results. Don’t forget, maybe there are additional valuable results and/or learnings achieved through the execution as well – if they are noted in the entry.
CAMPAIGNS Entry Preparation Submit all materials in a three-ring binder with 1½” spine or smaller. Affix entry form to the back of binder. You may use up to five double spaced pages to describe the following: 1) planning, research, program objectives and purposes; 2) audiences; 3) strategies/communications techniques; 4) evaluation and feedback (explain tangible methods used to measure results); 5) budget (include all costs, such as cost of personnel to implement program). Supporting materials and examples may be included but must be contained within the three-ring binder.
Entry Tip: Improve your chances of success by submitting a smaller, but more descriptive entry. Carefully consider the judging criteria and entry guidelines when preparing entries. NOTE: Results weigh heavily in Public Relations entries — DON’T LEAVE THEM OUT.
Categories 28. Overall public relations program supporting product, service or corporate image: Directed at farmers, ranchers, growers, stakeholders or employees and all others serving agribusiness. 29. Media relations including media kits and media relations activities. 30. Brand Citizenship - Directed at farmers, ranchers, growers, stakeholders or employees and all others serving agribusiness. 31. Unique Sponsorship Campaign – campaign surrounding a targeted sponsorship that extends and elevates paid sponsorship dollars to broaden impact, awareness and retention of brand, product or initiative.
WRITING JUDGING CRITERIA FOR ALL WRITING: CLARITY OF MESSAGE– 30% Is the intended message clearly and consistently communicated? It must be evident not only in the entry, but in the work sample of the entry as well. Would you know what the key message is without reading the entry form?
CREATIVITY/INGENUITY – 30% There should be evidence of ingenuity and creativity using a combination and variety of techniques and elements to make the effort successful. Did this writing grab your attention? Did it seem fresh and different, or did you feel like you’ve heard/read something like it before? EXECUTION – 30% What is the quality and level of technical execution evident in the entry as it is presented? Is it easy-to-understand and free of spelling, grammar, structure and tone of voice errors? Does it deliver the thoughts and story that make the message clear and more meaningful?
RESULTS – 10% What evidence is there that the goals were achieved? There should be efforts noted to identify, analyze and quantify results.
Entry Preparation For all electronic entry submissions, you fill out the entry form ONLINE. Submit a PDF at Entry should include copy of manuscript and published copy. Verification of article or speech must accompany entry. Send two extra copies of the entry form along with other non-electronic forms.
If you are not submitting other non-electronic entries, email your electronic entry form(s) to Sherry Pfaff, [email protected]. NOTE: Results weigh heavily in Public Relations entries — DON’T LEAVE THEM OUT.
Categories 32. News, feature article or persuasive writing to include speeches, op-eds, commentaries, etc. (trade media). E 33. News release (ag media). E
EVENTS Includes events developed for product promotion, commemorations, openings, centennials, celebrations, etc. Includes planning, execution and evaluation.
Entry Preparation Submit all materials in a three-ring binder with 1½” spine or smaller. Affix entry form to the back of binder. On not more than two double-spaced typewritten pages, describe the following: 1) planning, research, program objectives and purposes; 2) audience; 3) strategies/communications techniques used to reach objectives; 4) evaluation and feedback (explain tangible methods used to determine the event’s success); 5) budget (include all costs, such as cost of personnel to implement program). Include supporting samples: written plans, photographs, videos and other materials that further explain the nature and scope of project. Video and audio accepted via QR code or URL only. NOTE: Results weigh heavily in Public Relations entries — DON’T LEAVE THEM OUT.
PUBLICATIONS Entry Preparation On not more than two double-spaced typewritten pages, describe the following: 1) planning, research, program objectives and purposes; 2) audience; 3) strategies/communications techniques used to develop editorial graphics to support project objectives; 4) evaluation and feedback (describe how you solicited audience feedback and response, and detail methods used to ensure the project met objectives and reader needs); 5) budget (include all costs, such as cost of personnel to implement program). Please submit all materials in a three-ring binder with 1½” spine or smaller. If entering an electronic newsletter or magazine, please submit via QR CODE or URL and put in an envelope attached to binder with your printed entry forms. Also include a hard copy if entering an electronic newsletter. NOTE: Results weigh heavily in Public Relations entries — DON’T LEAVE THEM OUT.
Categories 37. Company and association newsletters– External, print or electronic: Newsletters issued on a regular basis, directed primarily at farmers, ranchers, or dealer & distributors. (Submit up to three issues.) 38. Company and association magazines – External, print or electronic: Magazines, etc., issued on a regular basis, directed primarily at farm customers, prospects or others serving agribusiness. (Submit up to three issues.) 39.Company publications– Internal, print or electronic: House publications, annual reports, etc., to company personnel or shareholders. (Submit up to three issues.)
AUDIO/VIDEO Entry Preparation Submit entries at For all electronic entry submissions, you fill out the entry form ONLINE.
Acceptable file formats for electronic submission:
Audio: MP3
Video: Submit a public URL from YouTube. Make sure there are no security issues to access the video. All fields included in the online entry form must be completely filled out.
Print and include two extra copies of each electronic entry form with the other non-electronic forms you submit. If you are not submitting other non-electronic entries, email your electronic entry form(s) to Sherry Pfaff, [email protected].
Categories 40.Audio/Video: Broadcast news or taped program. (Do not enter paid advertorials here.) E 41. Audio/Video: Feature or testimonial. (Do not enter paid advertorials here.) E
DIGITAL Primary audience is farmers, ranchers and growers (unless otherwise specified).
JUDGING CRITERIA FOR ALL DIGITAL ENTRIES CHALLENGE OR OPPORTUNITY – 30% Is the challenge specifically identified and is it clear how this marketing element addresses the challenge and/or opportunity? How unique, targeted or strategy-specific is this toward addressing the challenge/opportunity?
OBJECTIVE OR DESIRED RESPONSE – 30% Was it well thought out and specified what this marketing element was expected to create in response or outcome? How well does this entry illustrate how that would be – and was – measured against that goal? Was it to change a perception or increase sales/participation? Is it clear what they wanted the audience to think or do – and did they? TARGET AUDIENCE – 20% Is the defined audience thoughtful and specific? Does it seem like the investment is driven to the right audience to get the results from the challenge/opportunity presented? Is it a broad target or a specific target? Is it clear from the entry?
CRAFTSMANSHIP/ORIGINALITY – 20% Did this entry grab your attention? Did it seem fresh and different, or did you feel like you’ve seen it before? Ask the same questions when considering what you think the target audience would say. And what about the production quality? Is it well executed? Does it gain attention and impact by how it was executed?
Entry Preparation Digital Advertising, Websites & Digital Content For all electronic entry submissions, you fill out the entry form ONLINE. Submit URL through All fields in the upload form must be completely filled out. Print and include two extra copies of the electronic entry form with the non-electronic entry forms you submit. If you are not submitting other non-electronic entries, email your electronic entry form(s) to Sherry Pfaff, [email protected].
DIGITAL ADVERTISING Category 42. Advertising on the web directed at farmers, ranchers or growers, and all others serving agriculture. E
WEBSITES Category 43. Internet website (owned) directed at farmers, ranchers or growers and all others serving agribusiness. E
DIGITAL CONTENT Categories 44.Digital Content– web-based journals or blogs directed at farmers, ranchers or growers and all others serving agribusiness. E 45. Webinars & Podcasts – E 46. Email Marketing – Singular or series E
SOCIAL MEDIA Entry Preparation For social media, please submit URLs, PDFs or other digital assets (i.e., MP3 files) of all relevant materials.
Categories 47.Social community building and engagement (social campaign) – includes use of Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube or other social platforms. E 48.Social tactic – a specific activity (i.e., contest, Tweet-up, response-generating activity, etc.) leveraging Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube or other social platforms. E 49.Influencer Activation -– directed to farmers, growers & ranchers. Engagement of professional influencer efforts to raise awareness, activate a campaign or increase sales-specific activity for a product, brand or greater initiative. E
OTHER DIGITAL TOOLS Entry Preparaton Submit URL through All fields in the upload form must be completely filled out. Print and include two extra copies of the electronic entry form with the non-electronic entry forms you submit. If you are not submitting other non-electronic entries, email your electronic entry form(s) to Sherry Pfaff, [email protected].
Category 50.Other Digital tools Include videos, games, e-books, e-magazines, digital publishing, smartphone apps and interactive sales presentations. E
[ Section 2 ]
NON-AGRIBUSINESS AUDIENCES BEST OF SHOW At the national level, two Best of Show categories have been established in the Non-Agribusiness Audience section. One will be awarded in each of the following categories, at the discretion of the judges: Consumer and Specialty. These two Best of Show recipients will join the three Best of Show winners from the Agricultural Audience section to compete for the Best of NAMA Grand Champion award, which will be awarded to the single best entry in the Best of NAMA competition.
CONSUMER All work in consumer categories must represent efforts to reach consumers, or influence consumer perceptions or actions, on behalf of agricultural issues, organizations or initiatives.
JUDGING CRITERIA FOR ALL CONSUMER ENTRIES CHALLENGE OR OPPORTUNITY – 30% Is the challenge specifically identified and is it clear how this marketing element addresses the challenge and/or opportunity? How unique, targeted or strategy-specific is this toward addressing the challenge/opportunity?
OBJECTIVE OR DESIRED RESPONSE – 30% Was it well thought out and specified what this marketing element was expected to create in response or outcome? How well does this entry illustrate how that would be – and was – measured against that goal? Was it to change perception or increase sales/participation? Is it clear what they wanted the audience to think or do – and did they?
TARGET AUDIENCE – 20% Is the defined audience thoughtful and specific? Does it seem like the investment is driven to the right audience to get the results from the challenge/opportunity presented? Is it a broad-target or a specific target? Is it clear from the entry? CRAFTSMANSHIP/ORIGINALITY – 20% Did this entry grab your attention? Did it seem fresh and different, or did you feel like you’ve seen it before? Ask the same questions when considering what you think the target audience would say. And what about the production quality? Is it well executed? Does it gain attention and impact by how it was executed?
Entry Preparation Follow entry instructions detailed in Section 1.
Categories 51.Company- or Producer-Funded Advertising campaign directed to consumers. 52. Company- or Producer-Funded Advertising campaign element (i.e., tactic) directed to consumers. 53. Company- or Producer-Funded Public Relations campaign directed to consumers. 54. Company- or Producer-Funded Public Relations campaign element (i.e., tactic) directed to consumers. E or physical entry, depending on the item. 55.Website directed to consumers. E 56.Social Media campaign directed to consumers. E 57. Influencer Activation -– directed to consumers. Engagement of professional influencer efforts to raise awareness, activate a campaign or increase sales-specific activity for a product, brand or greater initiative. E
SPECIALTY Includes companion animal, equine, turf, ornamental and forestry audiences. Includes rodeo animals and backyard flocks.
JUDGING CRITERIA FOR ALL SPECIALTY ENTRIES CHALLENGE OR OPPORTUNITY – 30% Is the challenge specifically identified and is it clear how this marketing element addresses the challenge and/or opportunity? How unique, targeted or strategy-specific is this toward addressing the challenge/opportunity? OBJECTIVE OR DESIRED RESPONSE – 30% Was it well thought out and specified what this marketing element was expected to create in response or outcome? How well does this entry illustrate how that would be – and was – measured against that goal? Was it to change perception or increase sales/participation? Is it clear what they wanted the audience to think or do – and did they? TARGET AUDIENCE – 20% Is the defined audience thoughtful and specific? Does it seem like the investment is driven to the right audience to get the results from the challenge/opportunity presented? Is it a broad-target or a specific target? Is it clear from the entry? CRAFTSMANSHIP/ORIGINALITY – 20% Did this entry grab your attention? Did it seem fresh and different, or did you feel like you’ve seen it before? Ask the same questions when considering what you think the target audience would say. And what about the production quality? Is it well executed? Does it gain attention and impact by how it was executed?
Entry Preparation Follow entry instructions detailed in Section 1.
Categories 58.Specialty advertising campaign 59.Specialty Public Relations campaign 60.Specialty campaign elements (all disciplines – advertisements, public relations, digital, collateral, direct mail, etc.) – Single element or series, as applicable. 61. Specialty Influencer Activation -– Engagement of professional influencer efforts to raise awareness, activate a campaign or increase sales-specific activity for a product, brand or greater initiative. E
PRODUCER’S CHOICE This category will be judged online by producers. The winner will be announced at the Agri-Marketing Conference in Kansas City, April 24, 2024. The fee for this category is $150. Deadline is the same as for other entries, and you can include payment for these entries along with your other entries. The Producer's Choice entry form is available online.
Award judging and tabulation courtesy of Readex Research. List provided by Farm Progress.
Note: this category is not eligible for Best of Show.
SINGLE-PAGE AD Entry Preparation For all electronic entry submissions, you fill out the entry form ONLINE. Submit entries at All fields included in the upload form must be completely filled out.
Category 62. Single-page ad – Directed at farmers, growers and ranchers. E