Student NAMA Chapters
To learn first-hand from professionals in marketing, advertising, communications, promotion, sales, public relations, etc., about the various career opportunities available in agri-marketing. Students are then in a better position to select a career that best fits their interests and talents.
To develop valuable personal contacts and working relations between students and agri-marketing professionals. These contacts provide access to internships, co‑op programs, job interviews, referrals, business recommendations and career opportunities. In some student chapters, students have access to a mentor program.
To provide meaningful opportunities for students to practice their managerial skills (planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling) and to demonstrate their leadership abilities.
To attend the monthly professional chapter meetings, seminars and social events and to assist various professional chapter chairs in planning and implementing chapter projects. These meetings provide students the opportunity to become highly visible as prospects for employment after graduation.
To attend the annual Agri-Marketing Conference, and to participate in activities including the National Marketing Competition, the Sales Competition, John Deere Signature Award, Innovative Ideas and various Scholarship Awards. Attending the NAMA Conference provides students with an opportunity to establish personal contacts with marketing professionals throughout the United States and Canada. These contacts are valuable sources for career opportunities.
To assist in making the transition from being a student to becoming a business professional.
GOALS FOR STUDENT CHAPTERSJust as professional NAMA chapters must meet criteria to retain national affiliation, so must student NAMA chapters. Specific requirements are outlined in the next section, but a well-developed chapter plan goes a long way in creating a viable and enthusiastic student NAMA chapter.
Set Goals (reminder: these are for the current academic year)
Officers and advisors for the student chapter should meet early in the year and establish goals. Be as specific as possible. Most successful chapters seem to zero in on five items:
1) programs
2) attendance/involvement from members
3) membership growth
4) special projects
5) fundraising
You are encouraged to use the many resources available to establish and meet your goals. Consider involving the local Student NAMA professional chair and agribusiness professionals in your area.
Once you have a plan, share the plan with members and ask for their support. Ask them to serve on a committee, explain your group's goals and encourage them to use their initiative to help accomplish goals for a specific area.
Chapter programs should supply students with the opportunity to explore various career paths of agri-marketing and polish their job hunting skills.
Mentor Program
Students explore career opportunities one-on-one with professionals in agri-marketing through a mentor program. Programs usually are developed in conjunction with the sponsoring professional chapter.
Career Fair/Day
Representatives of agribusiness firms are invited to campus to create awareness of internships and career opportunities as well as to recruit employees. This program also can be a fundraiser.
Interview/Résumé Clinic
Professionals are brought to campus to help coach members on interview techniques and résumé preparation.
NATIONAL PROGRAMSStudent Marketing Competition
The greatest highlight and learning experience for many student chapters is participating in the marketing competition at the annual National Agri-Marketing Conference.
Chapters prepare and present a complete marketing plan from concept through execution. Guidelines for this program are in the Student Chapter Marketing Competition Guidelines section.
Student Sales Competition
2019 was the inaugural year of the National Agri-Marketing Association Collegiate Sales Competition. The NAMA Sales Competition is a basic sales call skills challenge for individual competition. It seeks to advance the practice and professionalism of selling and the sales profession.
John Deere Signature Awards
This program, which started in 2007, recognizes student chapters whose activities encourage student excellence in business knowledge, academic excellence, leadership development and community outreach.
Innovative Ideas
The Outstanding Student Chapter program was replaced, effective with the 2018-19 academic year, with "Innovatie Idea." Award-winning ideas will be posted to the Student NAMA Web Site. Awards are presented annually for innovative plans/activities.
Each chapter shares a minimum of two ideas from the current academic year following specific guidelines included in the Innovative Idea Guidelines section. A minimum of two submitted ideas is required to maintain accreditation and participate in the Student Marketing Competition.
NAMA Foundation Scholarships
Each year a number of scholarships are awarded to Student NAMA members. These are outlined in the Scholarship section.
Student and Student Advisor Code of Conduct
When representing a NAMA student chapter at official NAMA events, students and advisors are expected to:
- Show respect to NAMA professional members, staff and the event venue.
- Dress appropriately.
- Use electronic media appropriately including photos, comments or posts on social media networking sites.
- Engage in responsible use of alcohol by adults only.
- Avoid negative incidents involving, but not limited to:
* Damage to persons or property
* Excessive noise complaints
* Law enforcement involvement
- University president and/or department head is notified.
- Chapter is stripped of their competition placement in the year the violation occurs.
- Chapter and/or individual cannot participate in future marketing competition(s).
- Chapter and/or individual can participate in future marketing competition(s) but cannot place.
- Chapter and/or individual is not allowed to attend future conference(s).
- Advisor is not approved for accreditation.
- Individual is not eligible for the two-year-free membership upon graduation.
- Individual is not eligible for the Young Professionals Membership.
Requirement due by October 15, 2019:
Information on all current student members and advisor(s) submitted via the online form ( (Idea: share the link with students during a chapter meeting and have them enter their information and submit the form.) Recommended minimum is 20 members. If less than 20 members, a chapter plan for increasing membership must be submitted.
Requirements due by November 20, 2019:
1) List of chapter goals for the current academic year.
2) Student chapter dues - $500. To pay online:
3) Name of qualified advisor. (See job description)
4) List of department deans, including titles and mailing addresses.
5) Letter from a college dean or department head stating that NAMA is a recognized student organization on campus.
6) Letter from professional chapter president or Student NAMA chair agreeing to sponsor student chapter. Not applicable for student chapters that are not located near a professional chapter.
7) Must submit published bylaws for initial year of accreditation (new chapters only).
Requirements due by February 20, 2020:
1) Submit at least two Student Chapter Innovative Ideas (
2) Permanent addresses and emails of 2019-20 graduating seniors.
New Chapters
Newly established Student NAMA chapters must be ratified by NAMA's National Board of Directors. This process generally takes place at the board meeting held in conjunction with the Agri-Marketing Conference in April. A national director from your sponsoring professional chapter should be prepared to submit the student chapter's petition.
All accreditation requirements must be met. It is the responsibility of the student chapter to verify that all materials have been received by the national office. If accreditation requirements are not met, that student chapter wll not be allowed to compete in the Student NAMA Marketing Competition.
Forward Accreditation Materials to:
Student NAMA Liaison/Debbie Brummel
National Agri-Marketing Association
11020 King Street, Suite 205
Overland Park , KS 66210
Phone: (913) 491-6500
Email: [email protected]
CHAPTER STRUCTURE AND JOB DESCRIPTIONSThe success factors in building a viable, dynamic student chapter are the elected officers, professional chapter Student NAMA chairs, advisors and an active National Student NAMA Committee.
The other key factors in building a successful chapter include developing an effective leadership and committee structure. Chapter officers often serve as committee chairs.
The executive committee should assign all committees specific responsibilities, written objectives, a timetable for completion and follow-up on their progress. In developing a committee structure, the chapter will be able to:
1) Participate in a greater number of viable projects and activities.
2) Give more students an opportunity to become actively involved in the chapter.
3) Concentrate time, effort and expertise on the projects and activities that are integral to the chapter's success.
4) Become a serious contender for the Innovative Ideas Awards.
Each committee should consist of a chair or elected officer, who should select two to four additional committee members to assist in successfully completing the project or activity.
Student Officers and Chairs
Student officers and committee chairs should be career-oriented, high achievers interested in managing and directing the organization. They must be willing to devote time and effort to making the students’ membership a meaningful, productive experience.
Normally, the officers include:
Vice President(s)
Ag Board Representative or Student Senate Representative
Promotion/Publicity Chair
It is important to recognize that a student's primary responsibility is to his/her studies and, secondly, to those extra-curricular activities that are interesting and meaningful in building a successful career and a dynamic Student NAMA chapter. It is recommended chapter officers be elected in March for the coming year so the summer may be used for planning.
Depending on the size of the membership, the scope of the chapter's projects and activities planned for the year, and the time officers have available, it may be necessary to elect an additional one or two vice presidents or appoint additional committee chairs. These individuals could manage and coordinate the activities of major committees to insure that sufficient time and effort are available to successfully complete all chapter projects and activities.
Whether or not additional officers or committee chairs are needed will be apparent once the present officers have finalized the chapter's planned projects and activities for the year. If additional officers are needed, they can be elected at the next regular chapter meeting.
It is recommended chapter officers and committee chairs use the time they have available for NAMA in leadership capacity rather than attempting to perform all major functions themselves.
The following sample job descriptions for officers and committee chairs were developed as examples of ways to share the responsibility of managing a successful chapter and involving many chapter members and can be altered to fit an individual chapter's needs.
To provide overall direction and leadership to the student chapter, making membership in the NAMA chapter a meaningful and productive experience for all members.
- Preside over all meetings
- Communicate the plans and activities of the chapter.
- Assist the chapter officers in carrying out their assigned responsibilities and serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.
- Perform or delegate any other duties as prescribed by the faculty advisor(s), the student chapter, professional chapter and/or the national NAMA office.
- Assure the chapter meets all accreditation requirements.
- Attend as many professional chapter meetings as possible.
- Prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
To provide the leadership and creative direction essential to the student chapter's growth and retention of members.
- Assist and act on behalf of the president whenever the need arises.
- Serve as chair of the Membership Committee.
- Present the committee's recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Assist the mentor chair or Student NAMA chair(s) from the professional chapter.
- Increase awareness among students and across department disciplines of NAMA.
- Develop and implement plans to increase and retain membership.
- Assure incoming freshmen are contacted and "sold" on the benefits of chapter membership.
- Work with the program chair to plan and execute a recruiting meeting, inviting prospects from all fields including areas outside of agriculture.
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings.
- Prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
Membership Ideas:
- Develop a prospect list
- Adopt-a-freshman program
- Each member sign up a new member
- Provide incentives for those recruiting members
To provide leadership and creative direction for programs that will build a dynamic, career-oriented student chapter with a meaningful purpose for members.
- Serve as chair of the Program Committee, presenting the committee's recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Serve as liaison to the Publicity/Public Relations chair to insure that programs are promoted and sent to the Ag Board Representative.
- Create and develop a meaningful, year-long meeting and activity plan that is interesting and beneficial.
- Contact and schedule potential speakers whose area of expertise fits the program.
- Develop continuous programming throughout the school year that gives members an advantage in securing careers in agribusiness.
- Arrange for the meeting room and audio-visual equipment and introduce the speaker.
- Help promote attendance at all student chapter meetings by inviting members and nonmembers.
- Promote student attendance at the professional chapter meetings.
- Plan and organize field trips to visit agribusiness companies, including transportation, when necessary.
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings.
- Prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
- Planning for your career
- How to write an effective résumé and a cover letter that gets attention
- How to secure interviews
- How to interview and be interviewed
- Follow-up procedures to interviews
- Disciplines within agri-marketing
- Marketing case histories
To provide the leadership and coordination essential to developing the chapter's marketing plan. To create a meaningful learning experience for those involved.
- Serve as chair of the Marketing Plan Committee insuring all areas are adequately covered on a schedule that permits time for practice and to present the committee's recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Assist the officer(s) and advisor(s) in selecting knowledgeable, articulate students to present various phases of the plan.
- Coordinate development of the marketing plan between chapter members, faculty advisor(s) and professional chapter Student NAMA chair(s).
- Complete the marketing plan in time for a critique by several members of the professional chapter and other departmental clubs on campus.
- Promote student attendance at the Agri-Marketing Conference and coordinate all preparations for the members.
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings.
- Prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
To provide leadership and direction in keeping chapter records and developing the chapter's annual report.
- Serve as chair of the Innovative Ideas Student Chapter Committee and coordinate the committee's plan with other chapter committees, collecting the necessary materials throughout the year to submit the chapter's best ideas.
- Record minutes of all student chapter meetings.
- Submit a list of current graduating seniors' permanent addresses to NAMA by deadline.
- Maintain a current list of members, including addresses, phone numbers, majors and year in school.
- Work closely with the treasurer to maintain an accurate account of members and dues payments.
- Prepare any correspondence needed by the chapter and assist Promotion/Publicity chairs in communicating chapter activities to the national office.
- Develop a historical perspective of the chapter's activities and accomplishments during the year into an organized report.
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings.
- Prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
All student chapters must submit at least two Innovative Ideas to meet acreditation requirements. All accreditation requirements must be met to enter the Marketing Competition and it is the chapter's responsibility to insure that materials are received in the National NAMA office.TreasurerObjective:
To provide the leadership and direction essential for building a financially sound chapter with the resources to support student participation in professional chapter and national NAMA activities.
- Serve as chair of the Fundraising Committee and present the committee's recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Keep accurate records and documents of all receipts and disbursements.
- Give a financial report at each regular NAMA meeting.
- Work closely with the secretary to maintain an accurate account of members and dues payments.
- Pay the national NAMA office dues in accordance with accreditation requirements.
- Re-establish banking arrangements when necessary.
- Prepare an annual budget, including expenses for travel to the Agri-Marketing Conference.
- Apply for grants for student activities as they become available.
- Develop complete plans for fundraising activities, including necessary student manpower.
- Generate ideas for profitable fundraising activities on campus and with the professional chapter, promoting the availability of students with members of the professional chapter for fundraising activities.
- Seek school funds earmarked for travel to student competitive events or professional experiences.
- Arrange for a final audit by the end of spring quarter.
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings.
- Prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
- Conduct a telephone survey for an agribusiness company and tabulate survey results.
- Sell advertising and produce publications for local association or agribusiness firms.
- Check with your professional chapter to see if there are duties your chapter can assist with such as meeting registration, calling expired members, etc.
To provide leadership and coordination with other departmental clubs building the status of the NAMA chapter as a leading professional group on campus.
- Serve as chair of the Ag Day/Student NAMA and present the committee's recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Participate with the other departmental clubs on campus in implementing an Ag College Career Day.
- Assist in lining up prominent college recruiters to participate in Career Day.
- Represent NAMA at all College of Agriculture events and/or meetings.
- Be the liaison between the NAMA chapter and other departmental clubs, informing them of upcoming events within the chapter and reporting pertinent events of other clubs to NAMA members.
- Recommend to the Executive Committee, for approval, opportunities to co-sponsor events with other clubs on the campus.
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings.
- Prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
To create awareness of chapter activities and events within the chapter membership, the professional NAMA chapter and the college.
- Serve as chair of the Publicity/Public Relations Committee and present the committee's recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Distribute press releases to your campus and hometown press.
- Write, publish and distribute a student newsletter to members, other campus organizations and those interested in the activities of the student chapter.
- Prepare and submit chapter news for Student NAMA News, meeting deadline of the third Friday of each month, September through February.
- Secure recognition for the student chapter on campus and with the professional chapter.
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings and prepare a year-end report (suggestions for improvement, important dates and contact people).
- Take pictures at all chapter activities for use in publicity.
- Editor, NAMA on Campus
- Professional Chapter Student NAMA Chair
- Professional Chapter Communications Chair
To be available to the members of the Student NAMA chapter to advise and counsel them on chapter projects and activities.
- Attend as many general membership and Executive Committee meetings as possible.
- Guide students on university policy, provide constructive suggestions and sign the various forms that require faculty approval.
- Help develop an enthusiastic, dynamic chapter that has a career-oriented purpose.
To serve as the link between the Student NAMA chapter and its sponsoring professional chapter. The Student NAMA chair has responsibilities to the professional chapter board and the student chapter.
- Review past student programs of the professional chapter and develop a plan.
- Prepare a budget for the professional chapter board for student support.
- Appoint, from the professional chapter, a vice chair and/or committee to work with the sudent chair.
- Invite student members to regular chapter activities and meetings, involving them where possible.
- Assist the student officers and advisors, encouraging excellent business practices in their chapter projects and activities.
- Assist with program planning and recommend speakers for student chapter meetings.
- Assist with a mentor program, matching professionals with interested students.
- Guide students in development of their marketing plan and schedule practice sessions and critiques with the professional chapter.
- Encourage students to attend the Agri-Marketing Conference.
- Inform the professional chapter members of dates, programs and projects of the student chapter and encourage professionals to participate in these activities.
- Help distribute students' résumés to prospective employers and assist with personal contact and introductions.
- Encourage and assist students in developing fundraising events, remembering that professional chapters should avoid totally subsidizing student chapters.
- Promote student chapter fundraising projects to professional members.
- Insure the student chapter president and advisor(s) are on the professional chapter mailing list.
- Assure student chapters have met accreditation requirements.
Students and advisors should participate in as many professional chapter meetings and events as possible. Many chapters set a lesser student fee for attending professional meetings.
Attending the Agri-Marketing Conference
Each student chapter is encouraged to send as many students as possible to the annual Agri-Marketing Conference. A reasonable student registration rate is provided, and by pooling transportation (vans, buses) the cost can be reduced.
Working With Professional Chapter Leaders
Student officers and key committee chairs may be asked to assist the professional chapter committee chairs in fulfilling their responsibilities, in particular:
- Membership Chair
- Student NAMA Chair
- Communications Chair
- Special Events/Ag Day Chair
- Professional Development Chair
2018-2019 ACCREDITED CHAPTERSAbraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Arizona State University
Auburn State University
Cal Poly - Pomona
Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
California State University - Fresno
Delaware Valley University
Illinois College
Illinois State University
Iowa State University
Kansas State University
Michigan State University
Mississippi State University
Murray State University
New Mexico State University
North Dakota State University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Sam Houston State University
South Dakota State University
State University of New York - Cobleskill
Texas A&M University
The Ohio State University
University of Delaware
University of Guelph
University of Illinois
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
University of Saskatchewan
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
University of Tennessee - Martin
University of Wisconsin - Madison
University of Wisconsin - Platteville
University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Virginia Polytechnic & State University