OPENING GENERAL SESSION Thursday, April 7, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Vikram Mansharamani Making Decisions in an Era of Mass Uncertainty
The overwhelming uncertainty plaguing the business and economic environment has led to widespread confusion and anxiety across corporate America. In this breakout session, noted financial expert and trend-watcher Dr. Vikram Mansharamani helps attendees make sense of today’s many crosscurrents. After describing how we got to the world we’re in, he proposes scenarios about what may unfold as well as the implications for the ag industry. What are the implications of the coronavirus outbreak and how will it (if at all) change the geopolitical and geoeconomic trends that were in place before the pandemic? How will it affect the U.S.-China rivalry or the future of global supply chains? And lastly, Dr. Mansharamani will address and discuss the forthcoming U.S. recession.
SECOND GENERAL SESSION Thursday, April 7, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Kaihan Krippendorff Driving Innovation and Unleashing Agile: Harness the Power of the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Drive Growth, Jumpstart Transformation and Become the Organization of the Future Strategy and innovation expert Kaihan Krippendorff helps organizations and individuals thrive in today’s fast-paced disruptive technological change. Five-time best-selling author, Fast Company contributor and founder of Outthinker—a strategy and innovation consulting firm—he has helped generate $2.5 billion in new revenue for mid-sized to Fortune 500 companies.
Sharing exclusive insights from his next book, Kaihan will explain how to overcome the most common innovation barriers and share proven tools, frameworks and techniques to manage and unlock your team’s great ideas. You’ll learn how embracing an “intrapreneurial” spirit can accelerate progress and deliver stellar results. This session is sure to spark your imagination and lead to actionable steps to try for yourself!
CLOSING GENERAL SESSION Friday, April 8, 10 -11:30 a.m. Craig Karges Experience the Extraordinary!
Combining the art of illusion, science of psychology and power of intuition, Craig Karges will make you realize that nothing is impossible. He’ll draw upon his experience partnering with clients like McDonald’s, AT&T, NASA and the Mayo Clinic to show you that extraordinary results are possible—with the right mindset.
Karges will challenge you to question what is real and what is unreal. His mystifying stunts and positivity will have you rethinking the potential of the human mind, and believing you can accomplish whatever you decide to achieve.
Small Marketing Department Workshop
Wednesday, April 6, 12:30 - 3:00 p.m. Equipping Your Small Marketing Department to Survive and Thrive If you’re flying solo or part of a small marketing team this workshop is for you. Join us to kick off your 2022 Agri-Marketing Conference experience with expert tips and training.
As an agri-marketer, you face unique challenges that require special solutions. Whether you’re trying to improve planning and budgeting, stay ahead of evolving trends or develop new strategies, NAMA understands the demands you face. Focused on ag retailers, equipment dealers, small manufacturers and other small or in-house marketing departments, a series of short presentations—Ted Talks style—will share what you need to succeed.
Because “Equipping Your Small Marketing Department to Survive and Thrive” is part of the main conference, no additional fee or registration is required. Just be sure to register yourself and your team for #NAMA22 in Kansas City to catch these big ideas.
These expert-led 40-minute sessions are chock-full of tips and trends to help your marketing department set and reach goals.
Workshop Topics: In the Trenches – A Panel of Peers Learning from others is the focus of this session. Hear stories and best practices from your peers. Moderator: Jesse Cler, CHS Panelists: Karley Serati, WCCO Belting Brenda Fraser, Compass Minerals McKayla Nichols, Great Plains Manufacturing – Ag Division
Successful Social Laura Cameron, Director of Operations and Account Manager at Stitchcraft Marketing
Laura is passionate about sharing her clients' brand stories and products through social media. She started in the fiber and crafts industry as a technical editor and joined Stitchcraft Marketing as a freelancer in 2016. Her weekly podcast and blog about her crafty pursuits are found at
Media Made Easier Learn from these sales leads how media companies can help small marketing departments.
Idea Exchange & Networking Before the afternoon wraps up, you’ll have a chance to network with your peers and exchange ideas. If it’s your first time at the Agri-Marketing Conference, you can head right to the Leader & First Timer Reception.
Breakout Sessions
Sponsored by AEM, AgriLife Studios, AM&P Network Agri Media Council, JL Farmakis, MacGregor Marketing Communications and National Cotton Council
Thursday, April 7, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. The Global Economy and the Impact on Ag Vikram Mansharamani Global trend-watcher Vikram Mansharamani is an expert at anticipating the future, managing risk and spotting opportunities. A two-time author, Fortune 500 CEO advisor and one of Worth’s 100 most powerful people in global finance, he’ll show you how to leverage different perspectives to make difficult decisions.
Mansharamani will help make sense of what the uncertainty of today’s global economy has in store for the ag industry and give you the tools to skillfully navigate the crosscurrents of global economic, financial and political developments. Expect to walk away surprised—but inspired—by Mansharamani’s unconventional conclusions.
Growing Together: Teamwork Across Generations Amy Waninger
Each generation brings its own interests, assumptions, and needs to the workplace. Colleagues need to resolve these competing—and often conflicting—perspectives and priorities at all levels of the organization. In this session, you’ll learn to move beyond the stereotypes to leverage each generation’s strengths (Boomers, Gen X, Millenials, Gen Z) and build a cohesive team.
Learning Objectives:
Recognize common characteristics and driving values of each generation
Understand the unique challenges facing each generation
Identify strategies for bridging generation gaps in the workplace
Thursday, April 7, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Be the Disruptor, Not the Disrupted Kaihan Krippendorff
We are experiencing a historic acceleration in the pace of change in our world. Artificial intelligence, digitization, robotics, 3D printing, social shifts, and the rise of purpose-driven enterprises are reconfiguring how every conceivable industry operates.
What we’ll learn:
The emerging trends – from AI to digitization – that are driving us into an era of disruption and how these will likely shape the future
How to use The Outthinker Process® to generate powerful ideas that can drive bottom-line results across all levels of the business
The strategic patterns and best practices that the world’s most strategic and innovative companies use to thrive during the ongoing shift of global business structures and thinking
A systematic process you can use to overcome the “innovator’s dilemma” and create breakthrough growth ideas that will disrupt your market without disrupting your organization
How to empower and inspire employees so that they’re ready to take action to develop, test and scale innovative growth ideas
Reaching Through the Screen – Engaging in the New Now Gail Calhoun, President, Calhoun Consulting, Inc. Remote. In-person. Hybrid. Let’s face it—the workplace has changed. And learning to navigate the new landscape can be exhausting. Whether you’re back in the office or still trying to keep the kids quiet during a Zoom call—this breakout session will offer tips on connecting, communicating, staying energized and thriving—regardless of the environment.
Friday, April 8, 9 - 10 a.m. Perspectives on the Future of Ag: From the Farm A Producer Panel Moderator: Becki Foster, Rancher and Brand Strategist Panelists: Brad Bray, Kyle Durham and MiKayla Thomas In this session, we’ll hear perspectives on the future of agriculture from those closest to it. Rancher and brand strategist, Becki Foster will facilitate a panel discussion between a farmer, rancher and ag retailer focusing on hearing the issues in the industry that are currently most critical along with the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.
Marketing ROI – How To Get Started and What To Do With the Information Moderator: Melanie Rice, Brownfield Panelists: Steve Miller, Randall-Reilly; Jessica Stemper, Bader Rutter; and Stacie Marshall, Bayer
What are the basics and how do I get started? Once I have ROI data and information, how do I translate the insights into a story to make it meaningful and help make decisions? If I already have a good start, what are some more advanced ROI measures I can begin to use?
During this breakout session a panel of experts from agency, client and media partners will discuss these questions and more. Whether you’re just getting started or already knee deep in ROI strategies, people who attend this panel will get an exceptional return on the time you invest in this breakout session.