NAMA ToolkitFind ideas, tips and resources for member recruitment events.
NAMA LogosDownload NAMA logos for your chapter's use.
NAMA BrandAccess the PowerPoint that outlines NAMA's re-branding.
NAMA PowerPointDownload a membership presentation about NAMA.
NAMA Social ToolsDownload graphics to promote NAMA on social media.
Membership VideoNAMA's latest membership video, courtesy of Scenic Road Productions.
Connections VideoNAMA's "connections" video, courtesy of Scenic Road Productions.
Faces of NAMA
Listen to these quick, engaging videos from NAMA members sharing their experiences.
Testimonial VideoNAMA's membership testimonial video, courtesy of GROWMARK, Inc.
NAMA Membership FlyerDownload and print this tri-fold flyer/mailer that’s a quick read on NAMA membership benefits (or request copies from NAMA).
Build a Case for NAMA MembershipUse this helpful resource to begin a positive conversation about membership with those who hold the purse strings to answer the most common “Yes, but …” comments and questions.
10 Reasons to Join NAMAUse this for both recruiting and retaining members.
Flyer Directed to CompaniesWritten specifically for companies to answer the top 10 reasons to join NAMA.
Flyer Directed to AgenciesWritten specifically for agencies to answer the top 10 reasons to join NAMA.
NAMA Blank FlyerUse this template to customize your membership recruitment efforts.
Student Recruitment FlyerUse this flyer to recruit graduating Student NAMA Members. (Hard copy available through the national office).
Student Involvement VideoWatch this video of Student NAMA members explaining why they’re involved in NAMA.
Student Engagement StrategiesPursue these 10 ideas for engaging students and graduating students.
Young Professional - Badger ChapterUse this PowerPoint created by Badger NAMA for the 2018 Leader Workshop for ideas on engaging younger members.
Prospective Member Worksheet
Use this tool to help you identify potential new recruits.
Showcase Your Chapter HighlightsPersonalize this template to include your individual chapter's information as well as national highlights. A Publisher tutorial can also be downloaded to guide you.
Compare NAMA OpportunitiesUtilize this template for comparing and contrasting opportunities that NAMA provides at the chapter and at the national levels.
National Agri-Marketing Association
8700 State Line Rd., Suite 105 Leawood, KS 66206 Phone: (913) 491-6500 Email: [email protected] |
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